Things to consider when starting or running a business in North Grenville.
Do you need to register your business?
Find out if you have to register your business under the Ontario Business Names Act by visiting Leeds & Grenville Small Business. You can also visit Service Ontario to register you business.
Looking to start or grow your business?
BizPaL is an innovative online service that allows you, the entrepreneur or business owner, a central place to find all the permit and licence information needed to start or grow your business.
Based on some generic information that you provide about your proposed business activities, you will generate a complete list of required permits and licences from the municipal, provincial/territorial and federal levels of government in one place.
The service is the result of strong collaboration between the federal, provincial/territorial and participating municipal governments and is designed with the following benefits in mind:
- Easy and Convenient
- One stop access to permit and licence information
- Accessible anytime
Businesses requiring a license from North Grenville:
- a taxi service,
- kennel, or
- refreshment vehicle.
If you require a license, please contact the By-law Services for an application form:
613-258-9569 ext 204
Does the zoning at your site permit the type of business you wish to operate?
If your proposal does not meet the zoning by-law and/or provisions of the zoning by-law you may be required to file for a rezoning application or a minor variance application. Application Fees applicable. Download the North Grenville Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
The property may be subject to a site plan agreement or an amendment to a site plan agreement regarding outside works and storage.
Contact the Planning Division:
613-258-9569 ext. 116
Are you planning to build, construct an addition, renovate or alter the building? For the construction of a new building or addition, the building department will require two sets of drawings, a site plan and other agency approvals, if required (i.e: RVCA, Health Unit, Leeds and Grenville County).
There is an application process for obtaining a general building permit. The general building permit application form is used for most projects (including residential, commercial, industrial, etc.)
For more information, contact the Building Division:
Home based businesses are permitted in all residential dwellings provided the professional meets the provisions outlined in the home occupations by-law in the location specified. Download the Comprehensive Zoning By-Law (section 6.15).
Contact the Planning Division:
(613) 258-9569 x116
Public Health Inspectors are required to review your facility plans, proposed menus in order to protect the public's health.
Contact the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit 613-345-5685 or
A copy of the "Guide to Opening a Food Premises" is available at the Planning & Building Department, 285 County Road 44 Kemptville.
The North Grenville Finance Department is responsible for all financial matters for the Municipality of North Grenville including budgeting, taxes, water/sewer collection and billing, accounts payable, and accounts receivable.
To inquire about your tax bill or change billing information, contact the finance department at
Inquiries regarding the assessment of your property should be directed to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation: 1-866-296-6722 or
North Grenville regulates all signs within the Municipality. Information on signage requirements can be found on the Sign Permits or by contacting the building department at
Commercial facilities in the municipality with large amounts of waste need to contract an outside provider for waste pickup.
Smaller amounts of garbage from home based businesses can use the municipal services.
To find the collection schedule and map for your area, consult the Solid Waste and Recycling Guide. For more information, visit the Municipal website or to report a collection problem, you can fill out this form.
North Grenville has a volunteer fire department with excellent ratings with the Fire Underwriters' Survey.
Fire inspections are not mandatory, however, inspections can be carried out if requested.
If you wish to have your premises inspected, contact the Fire Department at 613-258-9569 x201 or
Several opportunities exist for funding multiple aspects of running a business. Leeds Grenville Small Business and Community Futures Grenville are fantastic opportunities to get costs of expansion minimized.
For businesses located in the Rideau-Sanders-Prescott district in the town of Kemptville, there is the Rideau-Sanders-Prescott Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Grant Program.
Learn more about these programs in the Funding section.