By-Law Services

Municipality of North Grenville residents, businesses, and organizations are governed by Municipal By-Laws. By-Law Services work closely with members of the Planning & Development, Public Works, and Fire Service departments to enforce the By-Laws. The Municipality of North Grenville currently has 4 By-Law Services Officers, including a manager, who respond to complaints. The most common complaints involve property standards, noise, signs, animals, and parking. Common By-Laws are available here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: This is simply an overview of the most common concerns relating to By-Laws Services and should by no means be considered a complete list or guide to Municipal By-Laws. More detailed information and precise regulations are contained in the full version of our By-Laws and consultation with those documents is encouraged.

Campfires/Chimineas/Fire pots/Outdoor fireplace/Burn barrels/Fire pits FAQs

Only residents living in approved areas. They are conditional and can be revoked at any time. If you are a tenant, you must obtain permission from the property owner.

noburnzone education

ALL dogs are required to be licensed regardless of whether they go outdoors or not. The fine for not having a valid dog license begins at $105.00. The annual license fee is $15.00. Get your licence here.

Fences do not require a permit, but there are restrictions on the height and materials as well as the placement of residential fences. These are some of the highlights, but reference to the actual by-law is encouraged;

  1. Barbed wire, electrically charged, or similar hazardous materials or designs are prohibited.
  2. From the front of the footprint of the residence to the front of, along the front of the lot, the height is limited to 1 metre (3 feet) in height. See photo sample here.
  3. Solid board (privacy) fence may be erected to a maximum height of 1.5 metres (5 feet) from the front of the footprint of the residence to the back of the lot. See photo sample here.
  4. Open concept (chain link, louvered, and similar opendesign) may be erected to a maximum of 2 metres (6.5 feet) from the front of the footprint of the residence to the back of the lot.
  5. A residential fence may be placed up to and including on the lot line, but keep in mind the person erecting the fence is also the one responsible for future maintenance. If you do not have access to the side of the fence from the adjoining property, you may have difficulty doing the required maintenance. A fence may not be erected on a Municipal or County road allowance.
  6. Owners of corner lots must also be aware of the “daylight triangle” to ensure proper line of sight is maintained at intersecting streets. See photo sample here.

Current Status: Licence Issued to Bell Canada until 07-SEP-2024 at 7:00pm

If a salesperson comes to your door selling goods or services you should request to see their Municipal Sales Licence and carefully read any literature they provide. (Please note: charities such as Easter Seals or Diabetes Association are exempt).  If they cannot produce a Municipal Sales Licence, please report the company name, representative’s name and/or any vehicle information to By-Law Services at (613) 258-9569 ext. 211 or the Ontario Provincial Police at (613) 258-3441. If they become aggressive or you are concerned for your safety, call 9-1-1.

Campfires/Chimineas/Fire pots/Outdoor fireplace/Burn barrels/Fire pits FAQs

Construction noise is permitted between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm seven days a week including holidays.

Parking FAQs

Parking Control By-Law (76-24) View

Overnight parking on Municipal roads is permitted EXCEPT during a declared Overnight Winter Storm Event. A vehicle which is parked in a manner interfering with snow clearing or removal operations may be issued a ticket and/or removed at the owner's expense. Subscribe to email alerts on the parking page.

Please note that parking in any Municipal owned parking lot is prohibited between 11:00pm and 7:00am year round.

Yes, but only while you are actually loading or unloading. As soon as you leave the vehicle and it is left unattended by anyone with a valid driver’s license and the means to move the vehicle in an emergency, the vehicle is considered “parked” and subject to a fine and/or removal if necessary.

Fire access lanes are created for emergency vehicles including Police and Ambulance who need to respond very quickly. The matter of “I will only be gone a few seconds.” could literally mean the difference between life and death.

Rodent Prevention and Control FAQs

Property Standards By-Law (33-00) View

ratWhether you own property or rent, live or work in the Municipality of North Grenville, everyone has a role in rodent prevention. Rodent proofing your home and property is the most important factor.

For information and tips on how to help prevent and control rodent infestation please visit the Government of Canada website.

Are you experiencing rodents inside your home? Contact Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit at 613-345-5685 or visit their website for more information on the control of rodent infestations.

Pest control on private property is the responsibility of the homeowner.  If you require professional services you may wish to contact a licensed pest control company.  Visit for local pest control service providers.

Waste/Recycling/Organic Waste FAQs

Large items which need to be disposed of will not be collected by roadside contractors (except on designated Large/Heavy Item Pick-up Days - see Bulky Item Collection for dates. bag tags required). Aside from these dates, large/bulky items must be transported to the Municipal Waste Transfer Station, or contracted privately (some charitable organizations will collect appliances or furniture).

Chickens, horses, pigs and other livestock may only be kept on property which is zoned as Rural (RU) or Agricultural (AG). The keeping of any type of livestock in any other zone is prohibited.

When you wish to report a violation, the Officer will ask for your name, address and phone number. This information is collected and maintained for the purpose of investigating a violation and is held pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office, The Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville, P.O. Box 130, 285 County Road #44, Kemptville, ON K0G1J0 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Officer will ask for specifics (who, where, when, what, how). In order for a complaint to be investigated, valid complainant information including name and contact information must be provided. Please be patient. Enforcement is a process and can take time.

To submit an online complaint, please fill in this form.



ext. 211

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Accessibility Statement

Municipal Office
285 County Road #44,
PO Box 130
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Monday through Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

General Inquiries

Arena Staff (business hours)
613-258-9569 ext 141 or 175

Arena Staff (evenings/weekends)
613-316-2451 or 613-316-5010

After-hours Emergency Number

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